What is the best way to manage a virtual team?
Technology has made it possible for us to connect and work with others around the world. I love the descriptions from the World is Flat (Thomas Friedman, 2007) of analyses being completed in Australia...
View ArticleWorkarounds for ‘Workin’ Around’ the Virtual Workspace
Being part of a virtual team can be a very enriching experience- it can make it possible for you to work with fantastic people on the other side of the world with whom you wouldn’t have the ability to...
View ArticleFour C’s to Managing Virtual Teams
When I think of virtual teams, the first thing that comes to mind is when team members work in remote locations across the continent or globe with different time zones and different cultural...
View ArticleThe “Mutual Knowledge Problem” and Managing Virtual Teams
Managing a virtual team can be a difficult and stressful experience. Many of the things we expect from a team are hard to come by when played out in a virtual forum; collaboration immediately comes to...
View ArticleCommunication – The Key to Effectively Manage a Virtual Team
How do you recreate water cooler talk online? How do you build camaraderie between a team that has never met? How do you effectively show your colleague what you’re doing when they can’t see you?...
View ArticleQuality Technology is Required for Working Virtually; Thoughtful...
I’ve been working in a virtual team for more than a year in my job. The reason why I thought to pose the question of how a virtual team can be best managed to the Coffee Shop HR team is mainly because...
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